Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Goals for Christmas break

Christmas has come and gone AND I am definitely trying to enjoy this time off work.  I am spending it with my family and that’s fine.  However, I do have an agenda of things to get done with this time off.  My school goals are to
  • Lesson Plan for the entire for 4th term at least for World Hist

  • Complete all of evaluation requirements

  • Outline the demerit system for the cheerleaders

  • Study for the GRE

Now I have plans to get all of this stuff done, but I don’t know how likely it is.  The last couple of days, I feel like I’ve been laying around twiddling my thumbs and sleeping.  One of my teacher friends told me that when you sleep that much on vacation, it is because you need it.  I think its just because I don’t have anything else to do.  

If I could summarize my first semester, I would say that teaching this year has been so much easier than it was last year.  The classroom has definitely made a difference.  However, under this new principal, we’ve had a few changes. . . they may not just come from him, they may be district level.  
At any rate, we have, these walk through standards we must meet.  For example, I’ve now got to put up a word wall.  To me this is such an elementary thing and its not necessary in high school, however it must be done.  We’ve got to make sure that standards and objectives are posted in the room at all times.  So last 6 weeks, I had one of my cheerleaders write all of my objectives for term on butcher paper and taped them on a window.  I got the job done, but I don’t really feel it was attractive and it made my room look junky, but I’m doing as they have asked. In my opinion, these things are a waste of time and take away from the learning.  I understand putting up quality work. . . I do that, I post “A” students and “100” work.  Enough of my griping about something that won’t change!!!!  So, I’ll post my progress on my objectives in the next couple of days.

Thursday, November 23, 2006


Well, its thanksgiving. . . . This year I'm thankful for
  • 5 days off from school
  • My health and strength
  • That God continues to bless me and my family

I celebrated with a bbq and quiet time at home. I hope all my friends are having a wonderful holiday.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006


I thought I was really going to be dedicated to this. . . posting you and telling you about teaching a second year. However, I haven't been. I'm too busy. A typical day includes getting up between 5 am and 6. Arriving at school around 630. Xeroxing my lessons for the day, jumping into my lessons for World History and Practical Law. At the end of the school day, I run around taking care of cheer business until cheer practice. We practice or go to gymnastics or a game. . . some nights I have to go to class. Usually, I get home sometime between 7pm and 10pm. Then I eat something and go to sleep and start all over again. I had hoped that I would be a better teacher this year, but sometimes I begin to wonder if I'm doing to much. But I'm young, single and have nothing else but work.. . . .

I saw the Oprah show today and it was about the movie the Pursuit of Happyness. It inspired me to say the least. I want to be the best at whatever I do. I literally want to be the best teacher possible. Its not about the money, its about doing a job that you love and doing it well and affecting someone else's life. So maybe I should move on to researching being the best teacher. I really wish I had spent the summer doing that.

I feel like I'm doing okay as the sponsor/advisor to cheer team. We went to state and won 3rd place in the Large Varsity competition. However, there were only 4 teams in our division. I feel good about this because it means that we were NOT last. I am proud of my girls and how hard they worked for this.

Saturday, August 26, 2006

Week 2 is Over

We had our first football game last night—we lost—phooey. It was exciting. I don’t think I even watched the game, but I had a lot of fun just talking to people and enjoying the environment. I was surprised that so many from our school came out to the game. Parents were excited to see the cheerleaders and were very proud of what they had been learning and doing.

It has been a rough week at school. My voice has been scratchy all week. I think it is because of sinus drainage or just exhaustion from talking all of the time or maybe it is from me being tired. I have very long days. I get up around 5 and don’t stop until 9 at night. I am working hard all of the time trying to make sure that my teaching is effective as well as my cheerleaders are taken care of.

I am finding out that my freshman thinking I am mean! I go over rules and procedures every single day and probably will do so for at least the rest of the month. I am already behind in teaching my curriculum b/c of the student schedule issues that they are having at the school. But I’m going spend this week really trying to catch up. So I will probably lecture more than I had planned to. I’m finding that these freshmen don’t know much of anything. I gave them a Mapping History Worksheet—busy work—and a lot of the students could not even comprehend the directions or what to do with the sheet. This is surprising—I’ve got a lot of work to do and short period to do it in.

Saturday, August 19, 2006

My first week at school

It never occurred to me that I wouldn’t have time to post. I was thinking I could journal a little bit everyday; but the reality is I just don’t have time. When I get home from work, I’m wiped and I’m sleep around ten.

My first week was fun. I enjoy teaching my classes. And my classroom is very tidy right now. I’ve gotten many compliments on the set up of my classroom and that makes me feel good. Especially, since I spent many late nights at school. Sometimes my principal had to kick me out. The librarian said that my classroom was “very inviting.” The sad thing is I still have plenty of things to hang up and I want to start a cheer bulletin board.

Our school system had some problems with the scheduling program and b/c of that the kids schedules were all messed up. So my classes will change next week and I’ll probably do procedures for the next two weeks. Additionally, the air conditioners in most of the classrooms are not working. . . so the week has been miserable for the students. They came to my classroom and worked on mine and it seems that might have a cool room next week. That is my prayer!!!

The first week with the kids was very uneventful. I’ve been drilling, drilling, drilling, drilling my procedures. And they have their first test on Tuesday. Yes, a test over my procedures. I want to make sure they know what I expect at all times, so that I can really do my job teaching. My classes have been very quiet b/c I have let them know that I don’t like noise. . .right now, I think they are a little intimidated—I have a lot of freshman. What really helps is when you have upper classmen who have had me before. . .they back up the fact that you need to do the work in order to pass.

This week I did have to have one teacher-student conference because I got one student who wants to run my class and talk when ever he pleases. I told him that that wouldn’t happen in my classroom and he should get under control immediately.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Cleaning the classroom

I got a classroom!!!! And I am shouting it from the rooftops.  I feel bad for all of my other co-workers who are still floating, but I got a classroom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   Honestly, a few of my co-workers who I am closest to are still floating and I really feel for them; because, they have been teaching longer than I have, they are older than I am and they do deserve it.  I was talking to one of them on the phone and it is upsetting to them b/c some of the new teachers did get classrooms.  I am going to try and make this year easier on them; maybe do a few nice things for them.  

Okay, now on to other things.  I spent this week cleaning my room.  It was a science room and so I to clear out a lot of science stuff.  The football team and my cheerleaders helped me do this and we able to move about 10 tables and 30 desks and rearrange four computers and put out books and beakers and just tons and tons of stuff.  Without them, I would have been still looking at the room thinking, “where do I start?”  Now I’ve got maps and posters up on the wall and desks arranged . . . all I have to do now is put my stuff away and start with the lesson plans.  

I’ve only got to teach two subjects this year.  They are practical law and world history.  In practical law, the teacher’s guide gives a lot of simulations and even a moot court activity.  So this class’ activities should be very fun.  I’m looking for other things on the internet and I need to order some videos.

Tomorrow is freshmen orientation, so it will be another long day: A day when I get up around 5:30 and don’t hit the sheets until 10, but I am so glad to be working.  I believe all this working and staying busy maintains my sanity.  I’m so excited. . . I guess my next post will be about the first day of school.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

I've "gotta" Stop Stressing!

It went well. . . .one of my cheerleaders fussed at me, they said “Ms. A, you get stressed out about stuff and when you really should chill and just relax. . .its all going to work out. . . .”  I guess I just don’t think that way,  I worry about everything.  My mom said I did it when I was a kid.  When I would hear something bad on the news, I would worry.  I was always concerned about people.  I guess I still am.  
Anyway the clinic, was good.  The little kids had A LOT of fun.  The big kids, it took them a while to warm up AND we have officially turned a profit!!!  We will probably make about $250 from this event, which is wonderful!!!  No as much as I had hoped for, but something is better than nothing AND we could probably do it again b/c all I’ll have do is reprint flyers. . . .b/c everything else is set up.

Sunday, July 30, 2006

Nerves. . . getting to me!

I’ve got butterflies.  We have our clinic in two days and I’ve only got about 3 people registered.  Its nerve racking because we are going to loose money on this venture if no one comes.  Also, I want the clinic to be good and folks to learn from it.   I think the girls are taking it so lightly.  Also, school will start in two weeks and I have SO much to do!!!  Its not guaranteed that I will have a classroom, although there is speculation that I will.  Its hard to plan for a new year; AND I am sooooo insecure.  Pray for me folks!!! I mean it. . . as you read this blog, just stop and say “God, give her wisdom”

Friday, July 28, 2006

UCA Camp Honors

(deleted the picture)
This is a picture of the girls at the end of the last day with the awards they won. We were presented with the following awards:

  • Home Pom Routine: 1st Place
  • Xtreme Routine: 2nd Place
  • Cheer: 3rd Place
  • 4 Girls were selected as UCA AllStars
  • Traditions Award voted on by the other campers
  • We received SUPERIOR ratings in each evaluation

(deleted the picture) We won the banana for the first night for great spirit AND for going banans to get it.

(deleted the picture) This is one of my students who won the the "Dancing Diva" award for dancing her heart out during a dance contest.

(deleted the picture) This is a picture of the 4 girls who are now UCA All Stars.

Lastly, this is a picture of the young lady who won the jump off competition. Look at her in the air!!!

A Lame Posting

I was reminded today that I haven’t updated my blog in about a week.  I didn’t think I would get so busy that I wouldn’t have time to do it.  I’m back to taking my afternoon naps and I appreciate that!  

Next week is our clinic, I am EXTREMELY nervous about it.  I want it to be a quality event, but also I need money to come in.  At least so that we can break even. . . .I’ve only gotten 3 registrations, so I guess you can see how nervous I am.. . .

We’ve still been recovering from camp but we learned a lot and are ready to charge forward.  If you go to my webspace, you can check out some clips from the camp.  Guess what, today, two of my girls did the 360 Elevator and its cute. . .they are really improving and working hard!

Thursday, July 20, 2006


I think they like me and love me .. . cause they punked me tonight, almost to tears. I can honestly say “I GOT PUNKED.” I have a squad of practical jokers. Tonight, we were having a meeting to discuss cheer business. When we finished with business, the captain said they wanted have a lemon squeeze (its where they discuss anything that is on their mind that is bothering them). I said okay and we began. As the lemon was passed around, the some of the girls stated that they did not like the captain’s attitude. Others stated that our coach was yelling at them too much. The coach and one of the girls exchanged words. The girl (I’ll call her Boo) basically said that our coach wasn’t good. And some of the girls chimed in and said she wasn’t worth it and they didn’t want her here because the yelling. Things went haywire from there, the coach got up and screamed at them and said, I can get another job! She said, “I quit” and stormed out of the room. The other girls started quitting too. They actually pull their luggage out of their rooms, started throwing their fists at each other and calling their parents. I tried to be calm and take care of each of them and their concerns, but it kept get worse. .. I started to cry and screamed “stop it. . .I can’t believe I gave up my summer for this.” That when the told me they were just playing and I had been punked. I was so mad . . then I started to cry more. . . they came and hugged me, they said when they saw that first tear well up in my eye, they knew it was time to call it quits. I told them I will get them and I am going to get them good!!! Now, they are trying to plan a prank for the whole camp and get the lead instructor in on it. . .I laughed cause it’s a good idea, but they were NOT to do it without UCA’s approval.

They really are a good squad and good kids b/c everything they do is clean and they genuinely get along. What is interesting is that in the dorm, pretty much all of them stay in the same room at night time and they like it that. I am happy that fighting is not an issue, they are so eager to work to earn a place as a competitive squad. They are amazing.

Monday, July 17, 2006

Proud Mama of 20!

We're at camp! It was a good day. I am so proud of my girls. They performed like I've seen them before. I guess they get pumped up to perform!!!! I don't even know how to explain it. The parents seemed really please with their performance as well. So, I am really ready for the new year. I've gotten so many compliments about the improvements that have been made to the squad. So, I am gaining confidence in my leading ability and in the girls, too. But I really have to thank HiredCoach!!! She is a great choreographer; I believe between the work done at gymnastics and the work done here at the school with HiredCoach, we have a winning chance. I would really hate for them to loose, but I guess that is apart of life. The squad felt they were better than SPH. They are really good b/c the have stunts and tumbling down. I don't want to push things, but we've got to kick it into high gear to have fighting chance.

The girls are really bonding and that is what I want! Maybe the separation of the team is something doesn't have to stick. However, we've got to do something to make sure the girls don't start slacking. What I am going to say is that they have to earn their competition spot at practice. I'm exhausted so off to bed I go after I complete room check.

Saturday, July 15, 2006

Naps, Naps, Naps

School starts in less than a month.  I don’t feel prepared, maybe that’s because I’ve been taking to many naps.  In talking to other teachers, I’ve earned those naps.  The school year is pretty tough on us and sooo summer comes and it is time to rest!  But also, I’ve dedicated ALL of my free time to cheer, so that’s why I haven’t had time really do everything I’ve wanted to.

Cheer camp is next week, then we get a break before the clinic, but the clinic is going to keep me busy.  So I don’t know when I am going to have time to do everything.  Maybe, I really need to give up my naps.  I took one today and thought, “aaaahhhh, this is the life!”  Okay, all you teachers out there, tell me what you have done so far.   I’ve gone to several workshops/continuing education things, so I’m feeling like its going to be okay.  I just need to jump in there and finish.

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Pyramids and Back Hand Springs

Okay, so I have not “blogged”  in a few days. . . Guess the reason why:  Chearleading.  I’ve been so busy with the girls.  I’ve gotten a few complements from parents.  I know thank yous are rare in education, so I’m celebrating these.   I hope that I am having a positive impact on these girls’ lives.  I know some of them can’t stand me, but if they love cheer, then unfortunately they will have to deal with me.  

We had a hair-raising experience today.  I was so excited b/c my girls did their first pyramid at gymnastics and I have 2 girls who can do the round off - back hand spring combination!  We are on our way.  I’m nervous b/c this routine has got to start coming together to use at the Midsouth Fair.  After the fair, we have got to kick it into over drive b/c we will have the Local UCA competition and the state competition.  I’m sooo nervous and I don’t know where to even begin, so that we are on the right track.  I want win something this year!  So I’m praying for wisdom in this area and also in my teaching and classroom management.

Something that I would really love to see is those teachers who are Christians. . . .get together in the morning before school and unite in prayer.  We can do this, I bet you if someone organized it many would come and join us.  We need it, b/c these children are different.  

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

No Comments

Boo hooo!!! People are visiting my blog, at least thats what my web counter says. But no one is commenting. I like comments. You can even be like my brother and tell me it sucks. Just let me know that someone out there is viewing what I am typing. PWETTY PWLEASE, send me a comment. I still love you even if you never write anything. P.S. You don't have to sign up for an account to comment.

Wooo hooo!!!

It has been a truly exciting day!!! The BEST thing happened today, I got my website up and running for cheer—really it’s my classroom site that I changed for cheer!!!! I am sooooooo excited b/c it’s been a headache. . . ALL of the forms work and everything. Please check it out and click on Your Comments at the bottom of the page and submit your comments to me.

The website is ( i removed the link for my own protection)

I just don’t know what to say!!! Now I’ve just got to figure out how to advertise this thing. We are wanting 100 girls to come so that we can make some money that week! We’ve got 25 already!!! If you are in town and know a young girl who would like to attend, call me or even just visit the website to get registered.

Monday, July 10, 2006

Missed Posting

I haven’t posted in a couple of days b/c I’ve been working on the website for the cheer clinic. Its pretty much finished (its fancy, too) but I am struggling to publish/launch it b/c I built it in Frontpage. I like it b/c it has the forms and everything, so people can fill out the registration and pay online too. Then I found out that my server doesn’t support Frontpage extensions, so I had to buy a new webspace. It stinks, but we shall see if this works. I’m a little nervous about it and worried that I will not get it up in time. I pray that this clinic will bring in some revenue, so that we can do all of the things that we want to. I posted a generic kind of page if ya’ll wanna check it out. Hopefully, I can get this thing to work right with the form and all. (removed the link on 7/31/06) for my own protection)

Saturday, July 08, 2006

Have you ever?

Well, I’ve got to be honest, I didn’t complete my lesson plans that I had planned for the week. But, I sure did get some relaxing done AND I engaged in my favorite activity: internet. I did get a chapter read and came up with some ideas for it, but I’ve got to do better next week. Today, I had plans to finish the first week of school, but that didn’t work out b/c I started doing cheerleading business. That cheerleading business ended up taking up most of my afternoon and then I started to work on trying to get the website for it done. I REALLY wish I could’ve found a template to work from. If anyone knows of where I can find some FREE template for FrontPage let me know.

I heard that song by Brandy, “Have you ever” the other day. It’s stuck in my head and WON’T go away! So here at the lyrics:

Have you ever loved somebody so much It makes you cry? Have you ever needed something so bad You can't sleep at night? Have you ever tried to find the words But they don't come out right? Have you ever?
Have you ever found the one You've dreamed of all your life? You'd do just about anything To look into their eyes? Have you finally found the one You've given your heart to Only to find that one Won't give their heart to you? Have you ever closed your eyes and Dreamed that they were there?

It’s depressing—the song is. I think so! But I’m glad that I have finally given my heart to the one who will return my love and I don’t have wait anymore.

Thursday, July 06, 2006


Sometimes you need encouragement. I needed these scriptures today.  So I’m going to share these scriptures that ministered to me:

  • But my God shall supply all your needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus. Phil 4:19

  • If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and will purify us from all unrighteousness    1 John 1:9


A man is suing for his right not to pay child support!  How absurd is that?  It makes NO sense to me.  His claim is that the woman lied to him and told her that she couldn’t pregnant and that’s why he chose not to use protection.  He says that she has a right to termination and all of these other things, but he does not have right to say that he doesn’t want to be a father.  MALARKY!!!  What if she had an STD?  He can come back and sue her b/c he now has disease and she didn’t know she was a carrier.   Folks today have law suit fever. . .they are crazy.  

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

The Devil Wears Prada

I went with a friend to check out this movie. I didn't know what to expect, but it turned out better than I thought. Waiting for the video was definitely my first option, but I guess it worked out good. What I did take away from the movie, is that you should not compromise your integrity for anything. This world is temporary, so we need to get right. Oh, back to the movie, if you are into fashion you'll love it. If you like chick flicks you'll like it some, but guys (honestly), you just won't get it.'

Is there anyone else out there who is addicted to their computer? It seems like I can't stay away from this thing. I'm really just addicted to the internet. . . .THANK GOODNESS, for cable internet service! It rocks! A friend asked me the other day, what did we do before the internet? It's a good question. I remember waiting forever for things in the mail; now, I can call someone and say I need this and they zap it to me in an email. You gotta love it!

It was nice to wake up to rain today b/c it helps my sleep. However, the phone started ringing before 8. Now, I remember why I turned the ringers off months ago. I guess i'll have to do it again for a while. EVERYBODY knows i'm on summer vacation, so why do people call before noon and they know one of my past times is sleeping! Somebody out there has to agree.

Sharing the Gospel at School

I joined CEAI in lieu of MEA, NEA, TEA and all of that jazz. Honestly, you can't go into a classroom with out Jesus. To me, Jesus is the root of any success there, especially in today's world. At any rate, I normally don't read all of the materials they send me, but i decided to read this article for a change. Its about Good News Clubs at schools and the legality of them and the effect they are having on the children, etc. I am so surprised that it is legal for teachers to hold such meeting after school AND its good to know. I am excited by this and got to thinking, how could this be implemented here? Here is a link to the article: Good News Club. (let me know if you have problems opening it, I will publish it another way.)


I've had insomnia for like the last week and its driving me nuts, i'm up till like 3 or 4 sometimes 6 in the morning and SOMETHING always wakes me up at 10 . .. so i'm getting about 4 hours of sleep per night and I have NOT been taking my delightful afternoon nap. Any suggestions. . . i think i'm going to go crazy, if I have to spend another night, when everyone else happily snoring away, laying there accomplishing nothing. I realize that this is a truly stupid post. . . .but i'm feeling really crazy right now. Thats what happens when you haven't had a good nights sleep in a while. Calgon, take me away. By the way, has anyone seen a calgon commercial lately?

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Oh, Brother!

In reading the comments, my brother said my site was lame and proceeded on a tangent about NOT increasing the minimum wage. BROTHER, dear, this is NOT your forum for your political and economic rhetoric--I hate to sound like a whining teenager, but its about me, period! And I can write about anything I choose to!

Now, on to other stuff . . .today was the 4th . I bbqed some pork and steaks and shared it with a friend. I don't have much to say about freedom and liberty, although "a friend" said that I should be grateful to live in this great land. Unfortunately, I can't help but to remember that this land was built by the backs of those who were stolen from their land and on land that was stolen from the people who were already here! Someone said I should get over it, because that is not where things stand today, but we can't forget our past--our history. Yes, I am grateful for all of the blessings God has given to me and that I can worship as I choose, but I still can't forget. Instead, I will use today to reflect on my freedom in Christ.

I look forward to tomorrow. . . I will begin work on the first 6 wks lesson plans and a classroom management plan.

What in the world do I need with a blog?

Well, I decided I wanted to keep track of my second year of teaching. More than that I saw some students with one and I thought, "hey I can do that!" So here I am journaling online. Thats mainly what I plan to do with this thing. Probably will be a good stress reliever, too. What will really be interesting is if I am able to remember my username tomorrow, so that I can get on this thing. Does anyone else find themselves creating a user name for this, a user name for that and its so many user names and passwords that you forget what they are b/c each site requires something different. For example, I have a freewebs account that I have been trying to cancel forever, but b/c i can't remember the pw info; i'm up a creek, so i continue to see that 6.95 charged to my account every month. Okay, so i'm rambling on about nothing, but I guess thats b/c school hasn't started.

For me, I don't think school let out for the year b/c I am apart of an extra curricular sport. I'm glad that i picked up the extra curricular b/c it means job security for a least one more year and I'm beginning to love the girls. . their almost like my children now. Its weird to say that! Anyway, we are in a mandatory dead period right now in which all summer practices must cease. It was great for me b/c it means that i get some rest. Right now I'm pretending that I am out of town b/c some of the girls keep calling and it means i'll do cheer stuff even though I'm on break. I feel bad about not returning calls, but I want them to know that my life does NOT revolve around them; even though it feels like it!