Tuesday, April 10, 2007

What happened to me?

Today I’m feeling like I’ve become my career. I feel like my whole world revolves around teaching/school. Prior to teaching, I went out regularly and it felt like I had friends and we talked about everything. Now, it seems all I talk about or think about is school.

Is this like a new teacher thing? When do I get my life back? Is it because I am an insane perfectionist? Does this happen for people in other careers? Or is it because I love what I do so much? I don’t want to be defined by what I do, but it seems to have taken over. . . .


Unknown said...

I feel like school is my life as well, and I have been doing this for 3 years as a teacher and 3 years as an aide. It becomes cinsuming.

Anonymous said...

It's my fifth year of teaching and I still feel like this! Also, as an elementary teacher, sometimes I forget how to just hang out with adults!