Wednesday, July 04, 2007

One year ago, today . . . .

I started this blog with the intention of keeping track of my second year of teaching. As I reflect, I started off strong. However, as the school year started, I sort of forgot about this blog. What changed for me was a fellow teacher told me that she found this blog encouraging. I began to post more often with her encouragement. As a result, I found a network of blogging teachers who encouraged, empathized and offered solutions to this novice teacher. This blog and the “friends” I met online have changed my teaching life. Your comments, lesson ideas, suggestions have changed the way that I look at teaching. Teaching is a calling; it is transforming; it is what I do. Thank you for staying and sharing with me. Cheers, to all of you!!!

My Blogiversary Present: I am unveiling my new blog title (Its your fault, Eric)

deleted after I was outed.

The URL will not change. I may eventually go there, but I don't want to confuse people.


Anonymous said...

I gladly take full blame! If you hadn't changed it, I would have thought the principal was going to make you take over the whole 2nd year again! (What a nightmare that would be right?)

Congratulations and I like that title, "Confessions From the Couch". That's catchy.

CaliforniaTeacherGuy said...

I second Eric's comment: catchy title! I'm looking forward to reading more of your supine and/or recumbent musings.

Lara said...

major congrats! i'm so glad you stuck with the blogging, so that we could get a chance to "meet" in the blogosphere. love the new title, and am looking forward to many more posts in the future. :)

Quater-lifer said...

Third year here we come! Hopefully it will be a bit easier than the first two! Wishing you luck!